Siegmund Schermer

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Siegmund Schermer (born February 27, 1886 in Hüttenrode ; † January 28, 1974 in Göttingen ) was a German veterinarian and professor at the University of Göttingen .


academic career

During his studies, Schermer became a member of the Association of German Students in Hanover . He received his doctorate in Leipzig in 1909. After working as an assistant and veterinarian for several years, he was director of the Animal Disease Institute of the Chamber of Agriculture in Hanover from 1913 to 1922. In 1922 he was appointed full professor of veterinary medicine and director of the veterinary institute at the University of Göttingen. In the winter semester of 1932/33 he was rector of the university. In April 1933 Schermer renounced a new candidacy against Friedrich Neumann after a new election of the university rector was ordered by the Prussian Ministry of Culture. In 1954 Schermer retired.


Schermer had been a member of the NSDAP since May 1, 1933 , from October 20, 1933 to 1943, a member of the Reiter- SA and a member of the NS Lecturer Association and the NS Reich Warrior Association . In November 1933 he signed the professors' declaration of Adolf Hitler at German universities and colleges . In January 1946 he was dismissed for political reasons, but a few months later he was reinstated in the faculty.


Individual evidence

  1. Louis Lange (Ed.): Kyffhäuser Association of German Student Associations. Address book 1931. Berlin 1931, p. 196.