Silke van Dyk

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Silke van Dyk, 2018

Silke van Dyk (* 1972 in Cologne ) is a German sociologist who teaches and researches as a professor of political sociology at the Institute for Sociology at the Friedrich Schiller University in Jena . Her main areas of work are political sociology, sociology of social policy and the welfare state, sociology of age (es) and demography, discourse theory and empirical discourse research.


Silke van Dyk studied social sciences at the University of Göttingen and the University of Helsinki , graduated with a degree in social economics and received her doctorate in Göttingen in 2005 . She then worked for two years as a research assistant at the Center for Social Policy at the University of Bremen before moving to the Friedrich Schiller University of Jena as a research assistant. She completed her habilitation in Jena in 2014 and received the Venia legendi for sociology. In 2014 she was appointed to the professorship for the sociology of social disparities at the Faculty of Social Sciences at the University of Kassel . In the summer semester of 2016, she switched to the professorship for political sociology at the Friedrich Schiller University Jena . Van Dyk has contributed to the establishment and further development of critical age research in German-speaking countries. She also deals with growth criticism in her work .

In 2010, together with Alexandra Schauer, she presented an overview of sociology under National Socialism ( "... that official sociology failed" ). According to Stephan Moebius, the text is central to the history of sociology, "because within the discipline the conflicts over the role of sociology in National Socialism continue to this day and sometimes trigger heated debates." In 2014, a second, revised edition was published.

Fonts (selection)

  • Sociology of Age (in the series: Insights. Topics in Sociology), Bielefeld: transcript 2015
  • "… .That official sociology has failed" On sociology under National Socialism, the history of its processing and the role of the DGS , ed. by the German Society for Sociology, 2nd revised and expanded new edition, Wiesbaden: Springer VS 2014 (with Alexandra Schauer, first 2010).
  • Life in retirement. On the renegotiation of age in the active society , Bielefeld: transcript 2014 (with Tina Denninger, Stephan Lessenich and Anna Richter).
  • Perspectives of Social Criticism Today (Issue Focus), Prokla 167, 42 (2), 2012 (Ed.).
  • Discourse analysis meets governmentality research. Perspectives on the relationship between subject, language, power and knowledge , Frankfurt / New York: Campus 2010 (Ed. With Johannes Angermüller ).
  • The young old. Analysis of a new social figure , Frankfurt / New York: Campus 2009 (Ed. With Stephan Lessenich).

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. For biographical information see: Silke van Dyk , at Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung and Silke van Dyk , at University of Kassel
  2. sucht/! 5428263
  3. Stephan Moebius: H-Soz-Kult-Review , August 1, 2011.