Silver & Gold (game)

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Silver & Gold
Game data
author Phil Walker-Harding
graphic Oliver Freudenreich
publishing company Nürnberger-Spielkarten-Verlag (NSV)
Publishing year 2019
Art Card game
Teammates 2 to 4
Duration 20 minutes
Age from 8 years

Silver & Gold is a card game by the Australian game designer Phil Walker-Harding , which was published in 2019 by Nürnberger-Spielkarten-Verlag (NSV). The game is about crossing as many squares as possible on treasure maps and thereby getting points.

Theme and equipment

In Silver & Gold is a game in which the players abzukreuzen on before them cards by predetermined symbol cards as many fields and thus to make points. Thematically, it is about a treasure hunt in which the players look for valuable treasures.

In addition to instructions, the game material consists of 47 treasure cards with 8, 10, 12 or 14 fields in four colors (gray, green, orange, purple). On the maps there are islands with fields that have to be crossed. Depending on the size of the islands, they give points when they are fulfilled, and conditions for bonus points can also be specified on them. There are also 8 expedition cards, on which arrangements for 2 to 4 fields are given, after which you can tick on the treasure cards. Four washable pens, four scoring cards and a round card are also included.

Style of play

At the beginning of the game, each player receives a scoring card and a pen; the round card is placed in the middle of the table. Four of the treasure cards are distributed to each player, from which he chooses two cards each and places them face up in front of him, the remaining treasure cards are shuffled and placed as a draw pile in the middle of the table. Four cards are taken from this and laid out as an open display. The expedition cards are also shuffled and placed face down in the middle of the table.

The game is played over four rounds, in each of which seven of the eight expedition cards are revealed. After each round, a round is crossed off on the round card. Starting with a starting player, the players turn over one expedition card one after the other. The arrangement of the fields indicates how the players can cross fields on one of their treasure cards, while the expedition card can be rotated and also mirrored. If a player cannot or does not want to use this, he must cross any single field on his card.

There are different fields on the treasure maps, which are treated differently when crossed:

  • If a player crosses a coin on his card, he can also cross a coin on his own scoring card.
  • if a player crosses a palm tree, he enters this plus the sum of the palm symbols in the open display on his scoring card as victory points.
  • If a player crosses a red × , he must immediately cross any further field on one of his cards.

After ticking the box, it is checked whether a player has completely filled in a row of four coins or a treasure map:

  1. For every four coins he receives a cup, the value of which he takes from the round card. There the highest value is taken and crossed out, later trophies are correspondingly less valuable. It is always evaluated in the order of play beginning with the starting player.
  2. when a player has crossed a treasure card completely, he puts it aside on his scoring pile. Then he takes a new card from the open display. Here, too, the selection starts with the starting player in player order.

Whenever seven of the eight expedition cards are revealed, a round ends and is crossed off accordingly on the round card. Then all eight cards are shuffled and a new starting player reveals the first card. All players keep their current treasure cards and continue to play with them.

The final evaluation takes place after the fourth round. All players add the points for their coins or trophies, their palms and their filled treasure cards on their scoring card, adding the bonuses. They also get one point for each coin they earn. The winner is the player who has earned the most total points.

Versions and reception

The game Silver & Gold was developed by the Australian game designer Phil Walker-Harding and appeared in a multilingual and a German version for the Nuremberg Toy Fair in 2019 at the Nürnberger-Spielkarten-Verlag (NSV). The game was also published in English by Pandasaurus Games and in Dutch by White Goblin Games .

supporting documents

  1. a b c d e f g Game Instructions Silver & Gold , Nürnberger-Spielkarten-Verlag 2019
  2. Silver & Gold , versions at BoardGameGeek. Retrieved September 8, 2019 .

Web links