Zimbabwe Rhodesia

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Republic of Zimbabwe-Rhodesia
Republic of Zimbabwe-Rhodesia
Flag of Zimbabwe # Historical flags
Coat of arms of Rhodesia
flag coat of arms
Official language English
Capital Salisbury
Form of government Parliamentary republic
Head of state President Josiah Zion Gumede
Head of government Prime Minister Abel Muzorewa
surface 390,580 km²
population 6,930,000 (1978)
Population density 17.7 (1978) inhabitants per km²
currency Rhodesian dollar
independence Founded on June 1, 1979,
dissolved on December 12, 1979
National anthem
Rise O Voices of Rhodesia
Time zone UTC +2
License Plate RSR and ZW

The Republic of Zimbabwe-Rhodesia existed from June 1, 1979 to December 12, 1979. Like its predecessor, the Republic of Rhodesia , it was not recognized internationally . Officially, the British colony of Southern Rhodesia never ceased to exist.

Josia Zion Gumede won the presidential election on May 28, 1979 . Abel Muzorewa was appointed Prime Minister . Together with former Prime Minister Ian Smith , who now served as a minister with no portfolio, he formed a short-lived government that included both white and black Africans. Even before 1960, black African nationalists were thinking about the name Zimbabwe for the area previously known as Southern Rhodesia. Muzorewa finally managed to remove the name Rhodesia from the country name. Furthermore, a new flag was adopted under his government.

The Lancaster House Agreement returned control of the country to Great Britain in preparation for the elections in the spring of 1980 . So the country name was again Southern Rhodesia. Southern Rhodesia was a British crown colony from December 12, 1979 to April 17, 1980 and was granted independence as the Republic of Zimbabwe on April 18, 1980.

See also
