Simone Doria

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Simone Doria (also Simon , * around 1135 , † after 1217 ) was a Genoese trader, politician and admiral and member of the Doria family .

He was the son of Ansaldo Doria and Anna Grimaldi .

He and his family belonged to the Ghibelline political camp . Between the years 1175 and 1188 he was elected consul of Genoa six times. In 1189 he was elected admiral and commanded the Genoese fleet that the French King Philip II August had hired for the Third Crusade . He transported the French crusade army to the Holy Land and took part in the siege of Acre . In 1219, during the Fifth Crusade , he commanded the Genoese fleet at the siege of Damiette .

He had at least three sons:

  • Andrea, who married into the family of the rulers of Torres ;
  • Pietro, who fought with his father at Damiette's;
  • Niccolò.

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