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The Simpliciana - Schriften der Grimmelshausen-Gesellschaft is a literary scientific journal that has been published annually since 1979 .

Studies on the life and work of Johann Jacob Christoffel von Grimmelshausen (1621 or 1622–1676) and on the literature of the early modern period appear in the Simpliciana . In addition to articles, reviews are also published.

The yearbook is currently being edited by Peter Heßelmann (President of the Grimmelshausen Society and Professor of Modern German Literature at the Westphalian Wilhelms University of Münster ) in conjunction with the board of the Grimmelshausen Society. It is published by the Peter Lang publishing house (Bern, Berlin, Bruxelles, Frankfurt am Main, New York, Oxford, Vienna). Previous editors were Günther Weydt, Rolf Tarot and Dieter Breuer.

The book series Supplements to Simpliciana has existed since 2005. It is also published by the Peter Lang publishing house (Bern, Berlin, Brussels, Frankfurt am Main, New York, Oxford, Vienna).

The Grimmelshausen Society, founded in 1977, is an international association of literary and cultural historians, interested laypeople and the Grimmelshausen towns of Gelnhausen , Soest , Offenburg , Oberkirch and Renchen . The common goal is to promote the scientific research of the works of Grimmelshausen in their historical and impact-historical references and to disseminate their knowledge. This takes place in the regular exchange of knowledge, investigations and research on Grimmelshausen and the baroque culture . The Grimmelshausen Society particularly endeavors to cooperate with researchers from other disciplines and to promote scientific dialogue. With its activities, it also tries to do justice to Grimmelshausen's admonition to appeal to readers of all educational levels.

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