Sindelfingen annals

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The Sindelfinger Annalen ( Annales Sindelfingenses ) are from the 13th – 15th centuries. Chronicle written in the Sindelfingen Abbey in the 19th century . It was started in 1261 by the Sindelfingen canon Heinrich von Meßkirch, soon afterwards by Konrad von Wurmlingen and, after his death in 1295, continued by unknown canons until the monastery was moved to Tübingen in 1477. It reports on the founding of the Sindelfingen Monastery and the genealogy of the Counts of Calw in the 11th and 12th. Century and German history in the 13th – 15th centuries. Century. It also contains a necrology . It is only available in six incomplete excerpts from the 15th – 16th centuries. Century handed down.


  • Carl Friedrich Haug (Ed.): Chronici Sindelfingensis quae supersunt e manuscriptis Crusianis et Gabelcoverianis collecta atque digesta. Tübingen 1836
  • Conradi de Wurmelingen annales Sindelfingenses 1276-1294 In: Johann Friedrich Böhmer (Ed.): Fontes rerum Germanicarum Volume 2, pp. 464-472
  • Annales Sindelfingenses. In: Georg Heinrich Pertz (Ed.): Annales aevi Suevici. Hiersemann, 1963 (Monumenta Germaniae Historica, SS Volume 17)
  • Fragmenta libri anniversariorum ecclesiae collegiatis Sindelfingensis In: FL Baumann (ed.): Dioeceses Augustenses, Constantiensis, Curiensis (Necrologia Germaniae, tomus I )
  • P. Zinsmaier (Ed.): An unknown fragment of the Sindelfingen annals. In: ZGO 88 (NF 46) / 1936, pp. 629-634
  • Hermann Weisert / City of Sindelfingen (ed.): Annales Sindelfingenses. 1083-1482. Sindelfingen 1981 (without ISBN)