Symphony Orchestra of Lithuania Minor

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The Symphony Orchestra of Lithuania Minor ( Mažosios Lietuvos simfoninis orkestras , MLSO ) is a symphony orchestra founded in 1993 in the port city of Klaipėda , the third largest city in Lithuania . The founder, artistic director and chief conductor is Stasys Domarkas . The orchestra members come from the orchestra of the Klaipėda Music Theater or are professors from the Faculty of Arts of Klaipėdos universitetas and Stasys Šimkus - Klaipėda Conservatory .

Violinists Raimundas Katilius , Ingrida Armonaitė , Vilhelmas Čepinskis , Pavel Berman and pianist Tatjana Romaschkina played with the orchestra . The conductors were Juozas Domarkas , Modestas Pitrėnas , Algis Jonas Lukoševičius , Kazys Kšanas , Imantas Resnis , Ilmars Haris Lapinšs ( Latvia ), Dante Anzolini (Italy).

The orchestra has made guest appearances in Italy , Latvia, Poland , the Netherlands and Switzerland . It also took part in festivals (" Klaipėdos muzikinis pavasaris ", " Muzikinis rugpjūtis pajūryje ").


  • Mažosios Lietuvos simfoninis orkestras. Visuotinė lietuvių enciklopedija , T. XIV (Magdalena-México). - Vilnius: Mokslo ir enciklopedijų Leidybos institutas, 2008. 523 psl.