Kyoto Symphony Orchestra

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The "Kyoto Concert Hall", since 1995 the main venue for the symphony orchestra

The Kyōto Symphony Orchestra ( Japanese 京 都市 交響 楽 団 , Kyōto Kōkyō Gakudan , short: 京 響 , Kyōkyō ; English Kyoto Symphony Orchestra ) is a professional Japanese symphony orchestra headquartered in the district of Sakyō-ku , in the city of Kyōto . It was founded in April 1956 as a self-governing body and is a regular member of the Japanese Orchestra Association .


In April 2009 the orchestra was released from administration by the city of Kyōto and placed under the management of the foundation for the promotion of musical culture in Kyōto ( 財 団 法人 京 都市 音 楽 芸 術 文化 振興 財 団 , Zaidan Hōjin Kyōto-shi Ongaku Bunka Shinkō Zaidan ). The current conductor of the orchestra is Hirokami Jun'ichi , the honorary conductor is Ōtomo Naoto . The orchestra performs regularly once a month in the “Kyōto Concert Hall”. It is particularly dedicated to pieces of music that are performed less often and has also organized concerts for children since 2003. It has had an orchestral partnership with the Prague Symphony Orchestra since 2009 . Since 1983 it has been part of the event " Suntory Presents Beethoven's 9th with a Cast of 10000" ( サ ン ト リ ー 1 万人 の 第九 , Santorī ichimannin no daiku ), which takes place every year on the first Sunday in December in the arena and multi-purpose hall, the Ōsaka-jō Hall takes place, plays a major role.

When it was founded in 1956, Takayama Yoshizō , mayor of the city of Kyoto, was the director of the orchestra. The opening concert took place on June 16, 1956 in the concert hall in Maruyama Park in Kyoto. In the same year the association "Friends of the Kyōto Symphony Orchestra" ( 京 響 友 の 会 , Kyōkyōtomo no kai ) was founded. Since the fifth performance, the orchestra then played in the "Kyōto Yasaka Kaikan". In 1959 the orchestra, in collaboration with the Niki-kai ( 二期 会 ) vocal ensemble , toured all of Japan with Mozart operas. The orchestra received the Mainichi Music Prize in 1959, along with other awards . Among the well-known conductors who gave concerts with the orchestra was u. a. Aram Chatschaturjan , who conducted his own works on the occasion of the 52nd concert. For the 100th concert they gave three ballets , Der Feuervogel , Petruschka and Le sacre du printemps by Igor Stravinsky under the direction of Toyama Yūzō . The orchestra is very active at home and abroad and currently has 590 concerts, which since 2013 have generally been sold out for the entire season.

Former permanent conductors

Web links

  • Kyoto Symphony Orchestra. Kyoto City Office, 2002, accessed December 14, 2014 (English, website of the Kyoto Symphony Orchestra).

Individual evidence

  1. ^ History of the Kyoto Symphony Orchestra. Kyoto City Office, April 13, 2006, accessed December 14, 2014 .
  2. 京 都市 交響 楽 団 . In: デ ジ タ ル 版 日本人 名 大 辞典 + Plus at Retrieved December 14, 2014 (Japanese).