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Athens around 200, Skombonidai within the wall of Themistocles . Map by William Robert Shepherd .

Skambonidai ( ancient Greek Σκαμβωνίδαι ) was an Attic Asty- Demos (city demos) of the Kleisthenic Phyle Leontis , after 126/127 it was part of the Post-Kleisthenian Phyle Hadrianis .

He was in the north-western part of the city of Athens , and three representatives were sent to the Athenian Bule by him . From Skambonidai there is an inscription of a cult law from approx. 460 BC. From which it can be seen that there was a demarch (head of the demos), whose term of office was subsequently subjected to an examination ( Euthynai ). It also shows that there were already Metöken at this point in time , as well as the existence of a separate agora of the demos. Skambonidai donated the animal sacrifice for the all-Athenian festival Synoikia in honor of Athena and celebrated the festival Epizephyra . It also took part in the Dipolieia and Panathenaia festivals .


Web links

Commons : Skambonidai  - collection of images, videos and audio files


  1. ^ IG I³ 244 .
  2. ^ Translation of IG I³ 244 with comments