Smaragdina aurita

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Smaragdina aurita
2018 05 12 Smaragdina aurita.jpg

Smaragdina aurita

Superfamily : Chrysomeloidea
Family : Leaf beetles (Chrysomelidae)
Subfamily : Fall Beetle (Cryptocephalinae)
Tribe : Clytrini
Genre : Emeraldina
Type : Smaragdina aurita
Scientific name
Smaragdina aurita
( Linnaeus , 1767)
2018 05 12 Smaragdina aurita3.jpg

Smaragdina aurita is a beetle from the family of the beetle and the subfamily of cryptocephalinae (Cryptocephalinae).

Characteristics of the beetle

The beetle has a body length of 4.5–6 mm. The beetles have a black basic color with a bluish shimmer. The pronotum is hardly punctured. It has wide red-yellow margins. The elytra are fine and flat dotted. The legs are colored yellow. The antennae are yellow at the base and darken towards the tips.


The distribution area of Smaragdina aurita extends over large parts of Europe and extends over the Caucasus (Georgia) to the eastern Palearctic (Japan). In the north, the occurrence in Europe extends to Denmark, Sweden and Finland. The species is absent in the British Isles .

Way of life

The beetles fly from April to July. They are observed on birches ( Betula ), hazel ( Corylus ) and hawthorns ( Crataegus ).


The following synonyms can be found in the literature :

  • Chrysomela aurita Linnaeus , 1767 - original name combination
  • Gynandrophthalma aurita Linnaeus

Individual evidence

  1. a b c d Smaragdina aurita (Linnaeus, 1767) in Fauna Europaea. Retrieved May 12, 2018
  2. a b c d e Heinz Freude, Karl Wilhelm Harde, Gustav Adolf Lohse (ed.): Die Käfer Mitteleuropas . tape 9 . Cerambycidae Chrysomelidae . Spektrum Akademischer Verlag, Munich 1999, ISBN 3-8274-0683-8 , pp. 120 (first edition: Goecke & Evers, Krefeld 1966).
  3. Karel Hůrka: Brouci České a Slovenské republiky = Beetles of the Czech and Slovak Republics. Kabourek, Zlín 2005, ISBN 80-86447-11-1 , p. 252 (Beetles of the Czech and Slovak Republics).

Web links

Commons : Smaragdina aurita  - collection of images, videos and audio files