Smash product

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The smash product describes a topological construction. For two given dotted topological spaces and with base points and consider first the product space with the identification for all and all . The quotient of under this identification is called the smash product of and and is denoted by. It usually depends on the base points chosen.

If one identifies the space with and with , then and in intersect and their union yields the subspace of . The smash product is then the quotient


The smash product is particularly important in homotopy theory , where it makes the homotopy category a symmetrical monoidal category , with the 0 sphere (consisting of two points) as the neutral element . The smash product is commutative except for homeomorphism and associative except for homotopy, i.e. H. and are not necessarily homeomorphic , but equivalent to homotopy .


  • The smash product of two spheres and is homeomorphic to the sphere . The smash product of two circles is therefore a 2-sphere, which is the quotient of a torus .
  • With the Smash product, the so-called reduced suspension can be obtained as:

Functorial properties

In the category of dotted topological spaces, the smash product has the following property, which is analogous to the tensor product of modules . The adjunct formula applies to locally compact

where the space of the base point-preserving continuous mappings is designated with the compact-open topology . If one takes for the unit circle , the result is a special case that the reduced suspension on the left is adjoint to the loop space .