Sikkim big-clawed shrew

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Sikkim big-clawed shrew
Superordinate : Laurasiatheria
Order : Insect eater (Eulipotyphla)
Family : Shrews (Soricidae)
Subfamily : Soricinae
Genre : Soriculus
Type : Sikkim big-clawed shrew
Scientific name of the  genus
Blyth , 1854
Scientific name of the  species
Soriculus nigrescens
( Gray , 1842)

The Sikkim large claws shrew ( Soriculus nigrescens ) is a living in Asia mammalian species from the family of shrews (Soricidae).


The Sikkim big-clawed shrew is a medium-sized, relatively stocky shrew with a short tail. The claws of the front paws are enlarged, which could indicate an at least partially digging way of life. The fur is brownish or gray in color. These animals reach a head trunk length of 8 to 10 centimeters and a weight of 12 to 16 grams.

Distribution and way of life

This species of shrew is native to the Himalayan region, its range includes northern India ( Sikkim ), Nepal , Bhutan , northern Myanmar and southern Tibet . Their habitat are forests and other areas with vegetation, they occur at sea heights of up to 4200 meters.

Little is known about the way of life. As a resting place, she erects a spherical structure made of dried grass, which is surrounded by stones. Their diet is likely to consist of insects and other small animals.

This shrew is not an endangered species.


The Sikkim big-clawed shrew is today the only representative of the genus Soriculus . In the past, the species of brown-toothed shrews ( Episoriculus ) and the genus Chodsigoa were also classified in this genus.


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