Sparrow war

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As sparrows war or Sperling war refers to an organized combating sparrows , on the other guerrilla tactics on the type of sparrows.

Control actions against sparrows

King Frederick the Great's Sparrow War

The first traditional sparrow war is the suspension of a bounty against sparrows by King Friedrich the Great in 1744 to protect the manorial fields from the sparrows. Because of the strong spread of insects caused by the decimation of the sparrows, this bounty was soon abolished.

Sparrow war by Duke Karl I.

But Karl I , Duke of Braunschweig-Wolfenbüttel, also took part in this extermination and in 1749 even increased the number of sparrow heads in a separate decree.

Westrich Sparrow War

The so-called Westrich Sparrow War took place in 1759.

Sparrow war by Margrave Karl Alexander

Margrave Karl Alexander of Brandenburg-Ansbach and Brandenburg-Bayreuth waged his war against the sparrows by decree of August 27, 1771.

Grumbach Sparrow War

In 1803, the mayor of Grumbach , Kühlenthal, and his council issued the decree, “that to exterminate the harmful sparrow cattle every family with a man or an adult son in the house, 6, a widow but without an adult son 3 sparrow heads per year, but not individually to the municipal council of his municipality. "

Sparrow War in Westphalia

Similar fights against the sparrows in Westphalia are reported for the period 1816 to 1845.

Big sparrow campaign in China

In the eradication of the four plagues , around two billion sparrows were killed at the instigation of Mao Zedong in China. When other "pests" got out of hand, birds were imported from the Soviet Union.

Sparrow war as a name for guerrilla tactics

The Chinese politician and marshal Lin Piao called the guerrilla tactic, in which one spreads like sparrows in the air and the partisans and militia members operate very flexibly, as sparrow war .

Individual evidence

  1. Rudolph Aefner et al. a., Friedrich der Grosse, Volume 1, 1861, p. 413: The administration 1744/22/6 was titled Extermination of crows and sparrows.
  2. NABU Germany: The House Sparrow - Bird of the Year 2002 , annual bird brochure, page 14 (PDF; 2.3 MB)
  3. ^ The "Sparrow War" in the 18th century as part of an "extermination campaign by the state"
  4. Theodor Zink , Der Westricher Spatzenkrieg anno 1759 , in: The 7th Day (supplement to the Palatinate People's Newspaper), 1933, No. 2 of January 8, 1933.
  5. ^ Matthias Simon, Arzberger Heimatbuch, 1954, pp. 228f.
  6. ^ Association for local history in the district of Birkenfeld, messages . Special issue: Issue 3, 1959, p. 22
  7. Hans Dieter Schulz, The Sparrow War in Westphalia - How war was declared on the sparrows from 1816 to 1845 , in: Heimatblätter Menden. History, culture and customs in the Märkisches Kreis and in Westphalia. Supplement to "Mendener Zeitung", 177/2006, p. 4
  8. Werner Hahlweg , Guerilla - War without Fronts , Stuttgart, Berlin, Cologne, Mainz, 1968, p. 186