Bacon house weight

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The Speckhäusle weight was a regionally limited to Freiburg im Breisgau term for a weight measure.

  • 1 bacon house weight = 536.529 grams

In comparison old pound weights were

  • 100 pounds of Speckhäusle weight equals 107.29 pounds (Badische = 500 grams)


  • Georg Thomas Flügel: Cours-Zettel continued as a handbook for coin, measure, weight and usage as well as bills of exchange, banking, government paper and stock for bankers and merchants. Verlag Jägerschen book, paper and map store. Frankfurt am Main 1859, p. 122.
  • Erwin Butz: The year book of the minster in Freiburg im Breisgau: around 1455 - 1723. Volume 1, Alber, Freiburg / Munich 1983, ISBN 978-3-49549-931-3 .
  • Wolfgang von Hippel, Georg M. von Hippel: Measure and weight in the area of ​​the Kingdom of Württemberg and the principalities of Hohenzollern at the end of the 18th century. W. Kohlhammer, Stuttgart 2000, p. 86, ISBN 978-3-17016-830-5 .