Speed ​​dating

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Speed ​​dating is a method developed in the USA around 1998 to find new flirt or relationship partners. The maximum number of participants per gender is usually limited to seven to ten people. In addition to finding a partner, there is also the possibility of making acquaintances without sexual intentions.


The author is considered to be Rabbi Yaacov Deyo, a member of the Jewish-Orthodox organization Aish HaTorah , based in Los Angeles . His goal was to create a contact platform for the Jewish community. Single Jewish people should get to know each other and increase the number of Jewish marriages. A little later, there were commercially oriented events without religious specifications, in which single men and women participated in equal numbers. Such events are now also taking place outside the USA, including in Germany .

Speed ​​dating procedure

During the entire event, every male single gets to know every female single and vice versa. For this purpose, the event is divided into rounds, each lasting around seven to eight minutes. During this tight time, the singles have the opportunity to get to know each other a little, to inquire about common interests and hobbies and any wishes for children . After the time has elapsed, a gong sounds as a sign that prompts you to change partners. At the same time, the singles write down on slips of paper given them beforehand whether they would like to see their counterpart again or not. Now it is moving up so that male singles and female singles sit opposite each other in a new constellation. This is repeated until everyone has spoken to everyone once. After the speed dating, the singles can decide whether they want to see the singles they just got to know again. For this purpose, the organizer used to collect the previously handed out slips of paper and evaluate them manually. However, many organizers have now started using an online evaluation sheet to evaluate speed dating. The evaluation process is usually over one to two days after the speed dating. After this period at the latest, the singles will receive a message about which singles of the opposite sex they want to see again. If there is a match, the contact details are exchanged between the two singles.


Speed ​​dating events have already been the focus of scientific research. It emerged that the much-invoked "inner" values ​​of both genders at such events were completely irrelevant, that the content of the conversation did not count, but that both genders wanted to see people again who had an attractive appearance. The scientists assigned imaginary ranks to the participants based on their external appearance, which correlated remarkably strongly with the subsequent success at these events. However, men and women seem to show different search behavior in this context, even if the focus is on appearance for both. The men wanted to see virtually every woman again who had a certain “minimum attractiveness”. Women, on the other hand, wanted to see few men again, and the more attractive they were, the more so. However, more recent studies have also shown that such quotas could very likely only be traced back to the typical speed dating scenario, after which the women mostly stay seated and the men take turns. In the course of a study, American researchers found out that this rate shifted when the roles were reversed (the men remained seated, the women changed), and that the men were much more choosy than under normal circumstances. Possible reasons for this are seen in the influence of physical actions on perception (if you approach something, it becomes more attractive, if you move away, the attraction decreases) or in the fact that men see women moving better and thus their physical attractiveness better can evaluate. However, the shifted numbers after a scenario change were small: with the usual variant (woman sitting, man changing), 50% of the men wanted to see the women visited again, while in the opposite scenario it was “only” 43%. The interest of women rose slightly: if it was previously 43%, the value rose by 2 percentage points to 45%.

The prices for speed dating vary widely.

The price ranges from around 6 euros in Nuremberg to 29 euros in other cities.


Speed ​​dating is also a popular topic in movies and TV series . While in the German film Shoppen (2007) speed dating is at the core of the film, in the US comedies Hitch - Der Date Doktor (2005) and Jungfrau (40), Male, Seeks… (2005), it is only in one scene to see. Busy Miranda also takes part in a speed dating in the US series Sex and the City .

Speed ​​dating on the internet

Speed ​​dating events on the Internet are trendy these days. In particular, its dissemination via various media formats has contributed to the popularity of speed dating. In principle, there are websites that can be used free of charge and those on which a fee can be charged for certain services.

Participation in online speed dating is not disrupted by installing new software or filling out forms. After registration, webcam and microphone (or headset) are used to establish contact. On most portals you can filter by gender, age and region using a search function; everything else is left to chance. You are assigned a speed dating partner and you usually have three minutes to get to know each other. Immediately afterwards, both participants vote on whether or not they want to stay in contact with their counterpart. Contact can only be established if both participants agree. Here the virtual process is similar to the evaluation of the handouts distributed at traditional speed dating meetings.

Further development of speed dating

The principles of speed dating are used today not only when looking for a partner, but also when looking for a job, an apartment or for the general exchange of discussions within trade fairs.

Companies and applicants come together at apprentice speed dating from chambers of industry and commerce or employment agencies. The concept is simple: young people have ten minutes to become interesting in conversations with entrepreneurs, HR managers or trainers - and vice versa. When the time is up, a bell rings and the applicants switch to another table.

The advantage of trainee or job speed dating is the fast, uncomplicated and direct selection of applicants. In a personal interview, applicants can also convince with their commitment and personality who would not have had a chance with a written application due to poor grades or formal deficiencies. Furthermore, the instrument of speed dating is used at various trade fairs and workshops. So had z. For example, as part of a summer school, scientists from different disciplines have the chance to exchange ideas and development approaches within a limited period of time.

The idea of ​​speed dating for apartment hunters originated in London. With this so-called speed flatmating, every living space bidder gets to know every living space seeker during a seven-minute conversation. Then both note on a piece of paper whether there is mutual interest. If this is the case, the participants will receive a message from the organizer the next day, as in classic speed dating. The advantage of speed flatmating is that everyone gets to know everyone in a short time. And if you don't like an applicant, you can get rid of them quickly.

See also

Individual evidence

  1. http://www.stern.de/wissenschaft/mensch/:Partnerwahl-Speed-Dating-Darwin/596791.html
  2. http://www.ihk-nordwestfalen.de/azubi-speed-dating
  3. Almut Steinecke: Speed ​​dating for trainees: "Sorry, that's my cheat". In: Spiegel Online . October 13, 2010, accessed June 9, 2018 .
  4. http://www.uni-koblenz-landau.de/koblenz/fb4/AGStaab/news/wissenschaftliches-speeddating  ( page no longer available , search in web archivesInfo: The link was automatically marked as defective. Please check the link according to the instructions and then remove this notice.@1@ 2Template: Toter Link / www.uni-koblenz-landau.de