Speed ​​Cups

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Speed ​​Cups
Game data
author Haim Shafir
graphic Yaniv Shimoni , Barbara Spelger
publishing company Shafir Games,
Publishing year 2013
Art Card game, party game
Teammates 2 to 4
Duration 5-10 minutes
Age from age 6


Speed ​​Cups is a simple party and children's game by the Israeli game designer Haim Shafir , which was released in 2013. It is a game for two to four players in which cups have to be stacked or placed next to each other in a sequence dictated by cards. The game was included in the recommendation list for children's game of the year in 2014, and was recognized as a “games hit for children” at the Austrian game award “ Spiel der Spiele ”.

Style of play

In Speed Cup it comes to stack or more colored cups in a predetermined order by card to place side by side. As with other Shafir games, such as Halli Galli or RinglDing , the game is played for speed and the fastest player receives the corresponding card after pressing a table bell.

The game material consists of a set of 24 task cards, 20 cups with 4 each in the colors blue, red, green, black and yellow and a table bell.

Game flow

At the beginning of the game, each player receives five cups in different colors. The table bell is placed in the middle of the table, the task cards are shuffled and placed next to the bell as a face-down pile.

One player reveals the top card and as soon as it is turned over, all players try to recreate the arrangement of the colored symbols on the task card with their cups as quickly as possible. The colors are arranged vertically or horizontally as pictures on the cards; in the case of a horizontal arrangement, the cups must be placed next to one another and in a vertical arrangement, they have to be stacked. The players ring the table bell when they are finished and the player who has the correct order fastest receives the card.

The game runs for a total of 24 rounds and is played until all the cards are dealt. The winner is the player who has the most cards in the end.

Speed ​​Cups 2

In 2014, Speed ​​Cups 2 was a version of the game for two players that can be played with up to six players together with the base game. This version contains two sets of colored cups and 19 new cards. In contrast to the basic game, the cards can also be structured differently, for example as a pyramid or in the form of several stacks in front of each other.

Speed ​​Cups Fan Edition

Due to the success of the Speed ​​Cups , an international competition was started in 2015 in which Speed ​​Cup players could design and submit their own cards. A total of 30 cards were selected from the entries and divided into six booster packs of five cards each, the composition of which is not random. The cards are added to the existing task cards and thus integrated into the game.

Speed ​​Cups 6

In 2018, Speed ​​Cups 6 was a version of the game for six players with 36 task cards. The game corresponds to the basic game and ends when all 36 task cards have been played. The player with the most cards won wins.

Expenses and reception

Speed ​​Cups was developed by Haim Shafir and published in 2013 by his publisher Shafir Games in Israel. In the same year the game was published internationally, including by the Amigo game publisher in Germany.

The game was included in the recommendation list for children's game of the year in 2014, and was recognized as a “games hit for children” at the Austrian game award “ Spiel der Spiele ”.

supporting documents

  1. a b c d Official game rules for Speed ​​Cups , download from the publisher's website for the game ; Retrieved April 6, 2017.
  2. Official game rules for Speed ​​Cups 2 , download from the publisher's website for the game ; Retrieved April 6, 2017.
  3. ↑ Publisher website for the Speed ​​Cups Fan Edition ; Retrieved April 6, 2017.
  4. Official game rules for Speed ​​Cups 6 , download from the publisher's website for the game ; Retrieved April 6, 2017.
  5. Versions of Speed ​​Cups in the BoardGameGeek database; Retrieved April 6, 2017.

Web links