to save

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The store is the storage and buffers similar process in which goods, knowingly and willingly in a memory are held, in contrast to the camps but only in the short term. Saving is used to collect partial deliveries from suppliers or production lots so that they can be further processed, sold or transported together , or to sort them . This means that production and transport equipment can be used optimally. Larger delivery quantities or production batches can also be stored in order to call them up gradually from the memory, for example for distribution to different trucks for delivery.

Examples of saving operations

The following examples of saving are given in the specialist literature:

  • Harvesting a field and consuming the crop throughout the year.
  • Promotional goods in retail. This is procured in several deliveries and delivered on the day of the campaign.
  • Goods that are collected at transshipment points until the full transport volume of a transport vehicle has been reached.
  • A special variant of the storage exists when it is stored over a longer period of time until the goods are needed again. These include, for example, libraries , archives , depots or safes .
  • In principle, orders can also be saved, buffered and stored. The accumulated orders are then carried out together, for example transported or processed.

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Fischer, Dittrich: Materialfluss und Logistik , Springer, 2nd edition, p. 3.
  2. ^ Gudehus: Logistik , Springer, p. 327f.
  3. ^ Gudehus: Logistik , Springer, p. 327.