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Speleonaut p1
Ship data
flag GermanyGermany Germany
Ship type Research submarine
Commissioning 1996
Ship dimensions and crew
width 0.72 m
Mission data submarine
Immersion depth, max. 180 m

Speleonaut  - after the Greek words for cave and seafarer - was the name of the cave diver Jochen Hasenmayer's miniature submarine, which he had his friend Konrad Gehringer builtafter a diving accident in 1989 inorder to continueexploringthe depths of the Blautopf , for example. The vehicle is 72 centimeters wide and can be maneuvered in all directions with motors. It is the first submarine that was specially designed for exploring caves . According to Hasenmayer, the tested diving depth in Lake Constance is 105 meters, the constructive limit around 180 meters. The first use took place in 1996.
