Spheroid body myopathy

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Classification according to ICD-10
G71.8 Other primary myopathies
ICD-10 online (WHO version 2019)

The spheroid body myopathy (engl. Spheroid body myopathy ) is a very rare, hereditary muscular disease belonging to the group of myofibrillar myopathy belongs. The disease is caused by a "missense" - mutation in MYOT gene causes and autosomal - recessive inherited. MYOT codes for the protein myotilin . Age of manifestation and clinical picture are very variable, even within affected families.

Spheroid body myopathy is differentiated from two other myotilinopathies ( myofibrillary myopathy 3 , girdle dystrophy 1A ).

Clinical picture

Spheroid body myopathy is characterized by slowly progressing symmetrical muscle weakness in the pelvic and shoulder girdle area . Often, however, distal muscles are also involved. Speech disorders ( dysarthria ) and respiratory insufficiency have also been described.


The creatine kinase in the blood serum is usually normal. Nonspecific myopathic changes can be detected electromyographically . The histological changes in the muscle tissue obtained by a muscle biopsy are typical. Inclusions can be detected below the cell membrane of the muscle cells (subsarcolemmal) that do not react in the PAS staining . They contain eosinophilic material, desmin and ubiquitin .

Web links

Spheroid body myopathy.  In: Online Mendelian Inheritance in Man . (English)


Individual evidence

  1. D. Selcen, AG Engel: Myofibrillar myopathies. In: Robert Griggs: Muscular Dystrophies. (= Handbook of Clinical Neurology. Volume 101). 3. Edition. Elsevier, 2011, ISBN 978-0-08-045031-5 , p. 149.
  2. T. Foroud, N. Pankratz et al: A mutation in myotilin causes spheroid body myopathy. In: Neurology. Volume 65, Number 12, December 2005, pp. 1936-1940, ISSN  1526-632X . doi: 10.1212 / 01.wnl.0000188872.28149.9a . PMID 16380616 .