Game methodology

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As game methodology (a concept from the German word game and the Greek methodikè téchne = literally the art of the way to the game ), game science describes the doctrine of the systematic procedures that should lead to technically skillful and meaningful play. The word elements hodós = path and metá = towards something denote the close connection between path and goal, which make up the relationship between game methodology and game didactics. The related term game methodology or methodology of the game (from German game and Greek méthodos and lógos = methodology of the game ) is used, in contrast to the broader term game methodology, only for scientifically shaped methodology . It describes the teaching of the ways to scientific knowledge about the game.

General and special game methodology

The general game methodology

establishes principles and rules that apply to any type of game brokerage. The procedures apply as such

  • From the known to the unknown
  • From easy to difficult
  • From the simple to the complex

The special game method

is a specialist methodology that is tailored to the respective content, structures and objectives of a narrower subject area. For example, a distinction is made between the method of playing musical instruments and that of the sports game and, in the case of the latter, in turn between the football, tennis or basketball method or between learning and training methods or the methodologies for amateur or top athletes.

Tasks of the game methodology

Game methodology basically pursues the task of moving the learner and the target game towards one another. On the one hand, this means breaking down the target game into a sequence of individual learning steps and, on the other hand, motivating the learner to achieve the target game through corresponding experiences of achievement. The specific tasks of the game method then depend in detail on the didactic specifications, in particular the educational objectives and ideas of meaning:

For example, if the focus is on performance , a new structure can be created (learning to play the piano ) or the improvement of certain skills (practicing and optimizing technical movement sequences in sports games) ( e.g. learning , training, competition games ).

If tactics and strategy are made the learning objective, special cooperation patterns can determine the task of the methodology (example strategy games ).

When it comes to social learning , the methodical approach relies above all on a compatible cooperation in the game that meets the needs of each player (e.g. cooperation games , peace games ).

When it comes to finding meaning , self-experience, partner experience, object experience, environmental experience are the focus of the game methodical measures (example perception games ).

Playing methods

The choice of the appropriate playing method depends on the didactic objectives. It requires an overview of the range of methods and a study of game didactics. The basic procedures of the game methodology are for example:

A methodical series of games leads in several learning steps from simple games to complex forms of play. The target game, which has been pursued from the beginning, is initially played with simplified rules and a generous interpretation of errors. For example, the children's game 'ball over the string' with a lower or higher string, with balls of different sizes or weights, with variable field sizes and numbers of players can gradually lead to the sports game ' volleyball ' or ' fistball '. This method remains in the game and thus promotes gaming fun. It is therefore particularly suitable for children who enjoy playing but are not necessarily interested in competitions.

A methodical series of exercises, on the other hand, is used more in performance-oriented play groups. In volleyball, for example, she attaches particular importance to the filing of individual playing techniques that are as error-free as possible, such as giving up, planking, digging and slamming, which are practiced and trained in isolation. The characteristic structure leads from so-called 'preparatory exercises' through 'preparatory exercises' to 'competitive play' under codified rules.

Learning programs provide a sequence of ten or more different learning steps for the target game. The organization usually takes place in stations at which a task is set using a text and an image. The learner has to go through the learning step sequence independently. The learning program takes on the function of mediation. The teacher provides the program with the necessary play equipment, advises and motivates. A successfully completed station entitles you to move on to the next. The sense of working with game programs is to enable an individual learning pace and to make the learning process independent.

'Discovery play' dispenses with the specification of rules or technical regulations. It merely provides a play area and certain play equipment and suggests a play task. Under these minimal conditions, the players can find sensible solutions themselves. These must be negotiated between the players. They apply according to the agreement, but can also be changed again at any time in consultation. This method is especially used for forms of play that are intended to promote creativity and the ability to cooperate as well as independent thinking and game intelligence.

The project method favors elementary, interdisciplinary free play. It is a demanding, open method that is not based on specifications such as standardized play equipment, playing fields, rules of the game, number of players, but on spontaneous new game ideas and can also be reinvented in game forms, play equipment and rules. In doing so, she makes use of the competence of individual subjects. The required game materials are produced in-house, for example, in the subject group of sports and technology lessons, the game forms are created in cooperation with math and music lessons, the rules with variations in German lessons are formulated themselves.


  • Bielefeld sports educators: Methods in physical education . Schorndorf 2007. 5th edition
  • Friedrich Fetz: General methodology of physical exercises . Vienna 1996. 10th edition
  • Wilhelm Flitner: Theory of the Pedagogical Path . Weinheim & Berlin 1968 8th edition
  • Karl Frey: The project method . Weinheim 2002
  • H. Krüssel: The art of teaching. Guidelines for successful teaching . Baltmannsweiler 2009
  • WS Nicklis (Ed.): Programmed Learning . Bad Heilbrunn 1994
  • Anita Rudolf, Siegbert A. Warwitz: Playing - rediscovered. Basics-suggestions-help. Freiburg 1982
  • Gerhard Wahrig: German Dictionary . Gütersloh 1970 column 2422
  • Siegbert A. Warwitz, Anita Rudolf: From the sense of playing. Reflections and game ideas . 4th edition, Baltmannsweiler 2016, ISBN 978-3-8340-1664-5

Web links

Wiktionary: Game methodology  - explanations of meanings, word origins, synonyms, translations

Single receipts

  1. a b G. Wahrig: German dictionary . Gütersloh 1970, column 2422
  2. H. Krüssel: The art of teaching. Guidelines for successful teaching . Baltmannsweiler 2009
  3. a b F. Fetz: General methodology of physical exercises . Vienna 1996. 10th edition
  4. ^ Bielefelder Sport Pedagogues: Methods in Physical Education . Schorndorf 2007. 5th edition
  5. WS Nicklis (Ed.): Programmed Learning . Bad Heilbrunn 1994
  6. Anita Rudolf, Siegbert A. Warwitz: Playing - newly discovered. Basics-suggestions-help. Freiburg 1982
  7. ^ A b Siegbert A. Warwitz, Anita Rudolf: From the sense of playing. Reflections and game ideas . 4th edition, Baltmannsweiler 2016, ISBN 978-3-8340-1664-5
  8. ^ Karl Frey: The project method . Weinheim & Basel 2002
  9. ^ Siegbert Warwitz, Anita Rudolf: Project teaching. Didactic principles and models . Schorndorf 1977