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Playrooms - music from all directions is a series of the Austrian radio station Ö1 . The radio program developed by Giselher Smekal has been broadcast since January 1995 on working days from Monday to Friday between 5:30 pm and 5:55 pm, since 2007 also on Sundays between 5:30 pm and 5:56 pm and since 2010 also on public holidays between 5:10 pm and 5:56 pm.

Shipment concept

Giselher Smekal, who was the producer in charge of the show, came up with the original concept of the series Spielräume until he handed over this role to Mirjam Jessa in 1997 , who has taken on this task ever since.

The name of the show “Spielräume” was intended to be programmatic and experimental. This series of broadcasts should always have something unpredictable for the listener and surprise the radio audience anew every day. In contrast to all other music programs, the bandwidth of which is predetermined and therefore predictable, the scope for thematically and stylistically should remain open. - The only requirement was that the respective music programs be designed and played completely freely.

In the interest of this desired diversity, the program was designed during the first two or three years by eight different people who were individually responsible for the individual issues at irregular intervals.

The risk of this experimental concept gave way in 1997 to the intention to build up a larger regular audience, for which a higher degree of recognizability was sought. With this in mind, the Spielraum team was reduced to five permanent designers, who each oversee a specific working day, which was also linked to a strictly defined musical style.

The topics in the playrooms range from the presentation of new, recommendable CDs to trends on the record market to current information and event tips. The music bandwidth includes non-classical quality music, i. h .: chansons, ethno, folk, jazz, songwriters, pop, retro, hits, singer-songwriters, folk music, folk music and electronic music.

In January 2007, a radio reform the previously independent Sunday day series under special leeway shortened by 20 minutes and the remaining slot for the scope -Sonn- and holiday spending rededicated. Since the beginning of 2010, due to a further program reform, 46-minute playrooms special programs have been broadcast again instead of the 26-minute playrooms program; Elke Tschaikner is responsible for broadcasting the Sundays and public holiday playrooms .

The radio series Spielraum Nachtausgabe was started in spring 2007 and is broadcast live four to five times a year between 11:05 p.m. and 2:00 a.m.

Sample programs

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ORF Radio Public Relations: New in Ö1: First "Playrooms - Night Edition" about Édith Piaf and Juliette Gréco .