Game collection

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The expression game collection (sometimes also game collection ) is used in game education for a more or less systematically compiled arsenal of games. Such a collection can be in book form , listing and describing a greater number of games. It can present itself in the form of a picture , with the games being represented as sketches, paintings or photos. A game collection can also take place in real form , with specific games such as board games , computer games , dice games being brought together.

Game collections in book form

The game was recognized early on as an important element in human cultural history . In the early European Middle Ages, the first game collections were created that wanted to preserve the inventory of the time in writing. The first playbook in Europe was written by Alfonso X , King of Castile, in the 13th century. In his novel “Gargantua and Pantagruel”, the poet Rabelais left a reflection of the gaming culture of his time, the beginning of the 16th century. The philanthropist Johann Christoph Friedrich GutsMuths published a games book in 1796 which, in addition to a collection of educational games, already contained didactic reflections and methodological tips. Jahn , known as the “gymnastics father”, has also made an outstanding contribution to the preservation and development of the game with his collection of so-called “gymnastics games”, which he and his students recorded in books .

Game collections in picture form

Probably the best-known collection of games in picture form comes from the Dutch peasant painter Pieter Brueghel the Elder. Ä. On his painting from 1560, which is kept in the Kunsthistorisches Museum in Vienna, over 80 children's games of his time are recorded.

Game collections in real form

Game collection with classic board, card and dice games

In libraries, community centers, hospitals or medical practices, there are often smaller game collections that are intended to give children in particular opportunities to play and to bridge waiting times. But even in most children's rooms, plenty of toys accumulate over time. The traditional home game collection for all generations includes the board games Mensch ärgere dich nicht , Mühle , Dame , Halma and Backgammon on double-sided game boards. Depending on the publisher and edition, other games such as B. Chess pieces (for the checkerboard), Maleficent, catch the hat or ladder game included. The games share pieces and dice.

Even computer games can be collected. These game collections can be very different. So the trade sells z. B. simple board game implementations as a game collection. There are also collections of successful titles (e.g. Gold Games ). Often, compilations of basic games and extensions are referred to as a game collection. The Humble Indie Bundle , which offers several games at a price to be determined by the buyer , achieved greater awareness .

Sense and purpose

Game collections can have different meanings and objectives: They can intend to collect the toys of certain times and peoples in a museum in order to preserve them for posterity. You may want to capture characteristic features of distinctive games in certain regions. But you can also intend a practical use value for leisure and school. They serve to give the interested party an overview of the immeasurable variety of toys. They provide the theoretician of the game with a framework for making comparisons and analyzes. The overview helps the user to avoid one-sidedness of the game and to be able to find and select from the arsenal the right one for the respective game and learning situation. Because of the variety of toys, game collections are often limited to a certain purpose or area of ​​application, such as adventure games .

The idea of ​​learning and upbringing was also associated with playing very early on. With Comenius , the didactic preparation and illustration of toys for raising children began as early as 1658. In 1796, the philanthropist Johann Christoph Friedrich GutsMuths published his annotated game collection under an already holistic educational approach.


  • Ulrich Baer (Ed.): 666 games for every group, for all situations. Kallmeyer (Edition: Gruppe und Spiel), Seelze 2009, ISBN 3-7800-6100-7 .
  • Karl Josef Kreuzer (Ed.): Handbook of game pedagogy. Volumes I-IV. Schwann, Düsseldorf 1983/1984.
  • Terry Orlick: New Cooperative Games. More than 200 competitive free games for kids and adults . 4th edition, Weinheim and Basel 1996.
  • Alfred Cammann (ed.): The world of Low German children's games , Meissner, Elbschloss Bleckede 1970 DNB 367402548 .
  • Christüph Sonntag: Adventure Game - A collection of cooperative adventure games , 3rd edition, Verlag Ziel, Hergensweiler 2011, ISBN 9783940562524 .
  • Siegbert A. Warwitz, Anita Rudolf: From the sense of playing. Reflections and game ideas. 4th edition, Baltmannsweiler 2016, ISBN 978-3-8340-1664-5 .

Web links

Wiktionary: Game collection  - explanations of meanings, word origins, synonyms, translations
Wiktionary: Game collection  - explanations of meanings, word origins, synonyms, translations

See also

Individual evidence

  1. Corpus of the digital dictionary of the German language, keyword " Spielammlung "
  2. Arnulf Rüssel, Das Kinderspiel , Baseline of a Psychological Theory, Darmstadt 1977, p. 100 u. 101
  3. Peter-Paul Schwarz (ed.): Gepflegte Gastlichkeit , Falken-Verlag Sicker, Wiesbaden 1967, p. 219
  4. A. Rudolf, Siegbert A. Warwitz: Playing - newly discovered. Basics-suggestions-help. Freiburg 1982, p. 117
  5. ^ Rabelais: Gargantua and Pantagruel 1535
  6. ICF Guts Muths: Games for the exercise and relaxation of the body and mind for young people, their educators and all friends of the innocent joys of young people . Schnepfental 1796
  7. W. Stuhlfath: Folk gymnastics games and joke exercises from all German provinces. Langensalza 1928
  8. ^ Pieter Brueghel: Children's games 1560, In: Kunsthistorisches Museum Wien
  9. ^ Siegbert A. Warwitz, Anita Rudolf: Sinngebungen des Spiel , In: Dies .: Vom Sinn des Spielens. Reflections and game ideas . 4th edition. Baltmannsweiler 2016, pp. 37–125
  10. ^ Alfred Cammann (Ed.): The world of Low German children's games , Meissner, Elbschloss Bleckede 1970
  11. ^ Christiane Binder: Games and festivals in Papua New Guinea , Scientific State Examination Work GHS, Karlsruhe 1997
  12. ICF Guts Muths: Games for the exercise and relaxation of the body and mind for young people, their educators and all friends of the innocent joys of youth . Schnepfenthal 1796
  13. Terry Orlick: New Cooperative Games. More than 200 competitive free games for kids and adults . 4th edition, Weinheim and Basel 1996
  14. Christoph Sonntag: Adventure Game - A collection of cooperative adventure games , 3rd edition, Verlag Ziel, Hergensweiler 2011
  15. ^ J. A. Comenius: Ludes pueriles 1658, In: Siegbert A. Warwitz, Anita Rudolf: Vom Sinn des Spielens. Reflections and game ideas . 4th edition, Baltmannsweiler 2016, p. 196
  16. ICF Guts Muths: Games for the exercise and relaxation of the body and mind for young people, their educators and all friends of the innocent joys of young people . Schnepfenthal 1796