Nikolaus de Beauharnais

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Nikolaus with his cousins ​​Grand Duke Vladimir and Crown Prince Alexander as well as Prince Albert of Saxony-Altenburg (from top to bottom; 1860s)

Nicholas de Beauharnais , also of Beauharnais-Leuchtenberg, Nikolai Maximilianowitsch of Leuchtenberg, Duke of Leuchtenberg and Prince Romanovsky , Russian Николай Максимилианович Лейхтенбергский , (born June 23, jul. / 5. July  1843 greg. Near Sergewskoje Peterhof Palace , † 25th December 1890 July / 6th January  1891 greg. In Paris ) was a Russian nobleman and mineral collector.


He was the eldest son of Maximilian de Beauharnais and the Grand Duchess Maria Nikolajewna . He enjoyed private tuition from excellent scientists, and an early interest in mineralogy arose. From 1859 he went into military service and in 1865 became major general and commander of a hussar brigade. In 1871 he left Russia for family reasons, but returned in 1877 and took part in the war against Turkey in 1877/78. In 1877 he became lieutenant general and in 1890 general of the cavalry and adjutant general. From 1865 until his death he was President of the Imperial Mineralogical Society in Saint Petersburg. In this function he organized the creation of a geological map of Russia and donated prizes for mineralogy and geology. In 1866/67 he inspected the state and private mines on a trip to the Urals. He also reformed oil production.

In 1867 he was made an honorary member of the Bavarian Academy of Sciences . In 1895 de Beauharnais became an honorary member of the Mineralogical Society of Great Britain and Ireland .

Nikolaus de Beauharnais wrote essays on mineralogy, most of which appeared in the papers of the Imperial Mineralogical Society.

Nikolaus de Beauharnais was married to Nadeschda Annenkowa since 1868 and had the sons Nikolaus Herzog von Leuchtenberg (1868-1928) and Georg Herzog von Leuchtenberg (1872-1929).

Web links

Commons : Nikolaus de Beauharnais  - Collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Member entry of Nikolaus Herzog von (Prince Romanovskij) Leuchtenberg (with picture) at the Bavarian Academy of Sciences , accessed on February 3, 2016.
  2. Genealogy