Spirito Santo alla Ferratella

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Spirito Santo alla Ferratella is a titular church and parish church in Rome. It is consecrated to the Holy Spirit and is located in the southern prefecture in the diocese of Rome .

Basic data
Patronage : Holy Spirit
Architect : Ignazio Breccia Fratadocchi
Architectural style : Modern (reinforced concrete)
Title Church: 1988
Cardinal priest Ignatius Suharyo Hardjoatmodjo
start of building
Completion: 1981
Rite: Roman rite
Address: Via Rocco Scotellaro 11, Roma, Roma,

Lazio 00144 (near Viale Cesare Pavese)


The church was completed in 1981 for the Parish of the Holy Spirit established on December 1, 1981. She is looked after by the Rosminians .

On June 28, 1988, Pope John Paul II , who visited her on April 16, 1989, raised her to the title Church .

Cardinal priest

The following cardinals were previously cardinal priests:

Web links