Top institute

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In the banking sector , central institutions or central institutions are understood to mean banks that perform central tasks for the subordinate local or regional banks . These include: refinancing the subordinate banks or compensating for excess and deficient liquidity; Implementation of joint administrative tasks; Financing of major projects.

In the savings bank sector , the top institutions are referred to as giro centers . The central institution of the German savings banks was traditionally the respective Landesbank at the state level . DekaBank Deutsche Girozentrale is the top institution at the federal level . The central institution of the Austrian savings banks was the Girozentrale and bank of the Austrian Sparkassen AG , which later merged into GiroCredit . Today Erste Bank performs this function .

In the Austrian Raiffeisen sector , the central institution is the respective regional Raiffeisen bank ; at the federal level the RZB .

The central institution of the Austrian Volksbank Group was ÖVAG . In the course of its dissolution, Volksbank Wien took over this function .

supporting documents

Individual evidence

  1. ^ The savings bank organization in Austria. German Savings Banks and Giro Association , accessed on July 26, 2017 .
  2. ^ Restructuring - Volksbank Wien-Baden. In: . Archived from the original on November 7, 2015 ; Retrieved October 3, 2015 .