Squire Yarrow

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Squire Yarrow ( Squire Stevens Yarrow; born July 28, 1905 in the Metropolitan Borough of Hackney , † April 11, 1984 ) was a British marathon runner .

In 1938 he finished second in the Polytechnic Marathon in 2:42:35 h and won silver at the European Athletics Championships in Paris in 2:39:03 h.

In 1939, with his personal best of 2:37:50 h, he was English runner-up and in 1940 again second in the Polytechnic Marathon.

In 1946 he was fifth in the Polytechnic Marathon in 2:43:27 h and won the English Championship in 2:43:15 h. At the European Championships in Oslo he was seventh in 2:30:40 h on a 2 km short course.

In 1978 he succeeded Harold Abrahams as president of the Amateur Athletic Association .

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