St. John and Québec Railway

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The St. John and Québec Railway was a state-funded railway company in the Canadian province of New Brunswick . It was founded in 1910 and built a standard-gauge railway line from Centerville towards Saint John , along the south bank of the Saint John River . She crossed the Canadian Pacific Railway (CPR) in Woodstock and Fredericton . The line to Gagetown was opened by 1916 at the latest . The Canadian Government Railways was responsible for operational management . The extension to Westfield Beach , where the line met the CPR main line Montréal - Moncton , went into operation by 1921 at the latest. The total length of the route was 254 kilometers. The Canadian National Railways (CNR), which emerged from the Canadian Government Railways, had negotiated with the CPR a right of use for the 22.4 kilometers from Westfield Beach to Saint John. On August 7, 1929, St. John & Québec was dissolved and incorporated into the CNR. The line is no longer in operation.

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  1. The June 1916 edition of the Official Railway Guide contains the route to Gagetown, and the June 1921 edition of the entire route is apparently in operation.