St. Laurentius (Süsel)

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Side view of the St. Laurentius Church in Süsel (from the southeast)

The St. Laurentius Church in Süsel is a church in the municipality of Süsel in the Ostholstein district in Schleswig-Holstein . It is one of the Kolonialisationzeit incurred Vicelinkirche churches , stands on the church green in the town center and is the oldest building Süsels.

The church was probably built between 1160 and 1180 in the late Romanesque style. The originally round tower of the church was first shortened in 1735 and replaced by a square one in 1844.


The square tower was built from brick on a foundation of hewn natural stone and has a classicistic portal above which the notice "RENOVATED 1844" is attached. The tower, which tapers upwards through a step covered with roof tiles, has a roof covered with roof tiles, which merges into a roof turret. There is a tower clock on each side.

The nave, which has been preserved in its original state, consists of a nave with a choir and a semicircular apse and is made of field stones. Only on the south side of the church are larger areas made of brick, while retaining walls made of brick have been added on the north side.


Memorial stones for Kaiser Wilhelm I, von Bismarck and von Moltke at the field stone church in Süsel

In the immediate vicinity of the church is located


Web links

Commons : St. Laurentius (Süsel)  - Collection of images, videos and audio files

Coordinates: 54 ° 4 ′ 33.3 "  N , 10 ° 43 ′ 2.8"  E