St. Trinitatis (Herrengosserstedt)

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The church in Herrengosserstedt

The Evangelical Church of St. Trinity is located on Schulstrasse in Herrengosserstedt in the Burgenland district in Saxony-Anhalt . The building was erected between 1659 and 1679 and is a listed building .



The large hall church has a roof tower with an octagonal storey and a lantern. This is located above a part of the hall that has been separated as a forechoir . Inside it is divided by twisted wooden supports. On the north side there is a coat of arms from 1675.

inner space

Inside there is a two-storey horseshoe gallery and a cylindrical wooden pulpit from the construction period. The organ of the church has a delicate rococo prospect and dates from the second half of the 18th century. There are also baroque crucifixion paintings and a wooden epitaph by FW von Marschall in the church. The bell in the tower was cast by Johann Georg and Johann Gottfried Ulrich in Apolda in 1774.


Web links

Commons : St. Trinity  - collection of images, videos and audio files

Coordinates: 51 ° 8 ′ 29 "  N , 11 ° 28 ′ 32.3"  E