St Patrick's Cathedral (Armagh, Roman Catholic)

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St. Patrick's Cathedral
Cathedral from the south side

The St Patrick's Cathedral is a Gothic cathedral in the Northern Ireland city of Armagh and the bishop's church of the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Armagh . The medieval St. Patrick's Cathedral in Armagh, on the spot where St. Patrick built his bishopric in 445, has been part of the Church of Ireland since the English Reformation, like all historical episcopal churches on the Irish island .


After the Catholic Archbishop of Armagh, William Crolly , had long campaigned for a Catholic cathedral, construction began on St. Patrick's Day in 1840 , after a committee for the construction of a cathedral was established . The first architect Thomas Duff died in 1848 during the construction work. In 1853 JJ McCarthy took over his job. In 1904 the cathedral was completed and consecrated by Michael Logue .

The cathedral is 63.3 m long. Pope Pius IX sent a copy of Raphael's Madonna of Foligno to Armagh. The Emperor of Austria also presented a gift to Armagh Cathedral. Armagh Cathedral is one of the largest church buildings in Ireland.


The organ in the west stand was built in 1875 by the organ builder William Telford. The instrument originally had 33 registers on three manuals and a pedal and was equipped with Barker machines. In 1904 the organ was reorganized by the Telford & Telford organ builders; in this context the organ was u. a. equipped with pneumatic action and the wind pressure was increased. In 1987 the organ was rebuilt, expanded and rebuilt by the Irish organ builder Antrim. a. a fourth manual, and newly intoned. The instrument has 58 stops on four manual works and a pedal.

I positive C – c 4
1. Covered gently 8th'
2. Bell Gamba 8th'
3. Singing Principal 4 ′
4th Coupling flute 4 ′
5. Nasard 2 23
6th Octavine 2 ′
7th Tierce 1 35
8th. Petit Cymbals III
9. Cromorne 8th'
Zymbal star
II Great Organ C – c 4
10. Double diapason 16 ′
11. Open diapason 8th'
12. Gamba 8th'
13. Bourdon 8th'
14th Principal 4 ′
15th Flute overture 4 ′
16. Twelfth 2 23
17th Fifteenth 2 ′
18th Fittings V.
19th Cymbals II
20th Bombard 16 ′
21st Trumpets 8th'
22nd Clairon 4 ′
III Swell Organ C – c 4
23. Open diapason 8th'
24. Stopped diapason 8th'
25th Salicional 8th'
26th Unda Maris 8th'
27. Principal 4 ′
28. Duplicate 2 ′
29 Plein Jeu III
30th Basson 16 ′
31. Cornopean 8th'
32. Clarion 4 ′
IV Bombarde C – c 4
33. Flute harmonique 8th'
34. Voce Umana 8th'
35. Carillon III
36. Orlos 8th'
37. Trompeta Magna 16 ′
38. Trompeta Réal 8th'
39. Clarin 4 ′
40. Campanabella
Pedal Organ C – g 1
41. Gravissima 32 ′
42. Principal 16 ′
43. Violonbass 16 ′
44. Bourdon 16 ′
45. Double Diapason (= No. 10) 16 ′
(Continued pedal)
46. Violone (from No. 43) 8th'
47. Covered bass 8th'
48. Principal 4 ′
49. Duplicate 2 ′
50. Big Fittings III
51. Carillon II
(Continued pedal)
52. Bombard 16 ′
53. Basson (= No. 30) 16 ′
54. Trumpet (from No. 52) 8th'
55. Clarion (from No. 52) 4 ′
56. Orlos 4 ′
  • Pairing :
    • Normal coupling: I / II, II / I, III / I, III / II, IV / I, I / P, II / P, III / P, IV / P
    • Sub-octave coupling: I / II, III / III,
    • Super octave coupling: I / I, III / III

Individual evidence

  1. Information on the organ

Web links

Commons : St Patrick's Cathedral, Armagh  - Collection of Images, Videos and Audio Files

Coordinates: 54 ° 21 ′ 9.8 "  N , 6 ° 39 ′ 32.3"  W.