State technical college and vocational college in Erlangen

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State technical college and vocational college in Erlangen
Staatliche Fachoberschule Erlangen (main entrance) .jpg
State Technical College Erlangen (main entrance)
type of school Vocational high school
founding 1970

Drausnickstrasse; 1c
91052 Erlangen

place gain
country Bavaria
Country Germany
Coordinates 49 ° 35 '49 "  N , 11 ° 1' 37"  E Coordinates: 49 ° 35 '49 "  N , 11 ° 1' 37"  E
carrier Free State of Bavaria
student about 700
management NN

The State Technical College and Vocational School Erlangen is a high-level vocational school and a partner school of Siemens . It is the only FOSBOS in the city, the official seat of the Ministerial Commissioner for Northern Bavaria, the seminar school and the administrative seat of the VIBOS . The technical college offers the fields of "technology", "social affairs" and "business and administration" and the vocational college offers the branches "business and administration" and "technology".


There is the possibility of a one-year preparatory class or a half-year preliminary course to visit. A class with a maximum of 25 students is set up in the pre-class of the technical college. Only then do the students enter FOS 11. The preliminary class is offered and recommended for students of the M train or for people who have not attended school for a long time to make the transition easier.


The Virtual Vocational School Bavaria (VIBOS for short) makes it possible to acquire the technical college entrance qualification online. There are individual accesses for the internal area, this area is supervised by tutorials. As a VIBOS student you have access to the learning modules according to the Bavarian curriculum for the preliminary course and the 12th grade of the vocational school in the fields of technology, social affairs and economics.

Individual evidence

  1. site
  3. State technical college and vocational school in Erlangen: - Accessed on May 22, 2015.

Web links