Stanisław Łubieński (writer)

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Stanisław Łubieński (2018)

Stanisław Łubieński (born November 26, 1983 in Warsaw ) is a Polish writer and cultural scientist . He is the son of the writer Tomasz Łubieński .


Łubieński studied Ukrainian and cultural studies at the University of Warsaw . He wrote his master's thesis on Nestor Machno . As a result of this dispute, the historical report Pirat stepowy , which appeared in 2012, was created. Since 2014 he has been running a blog about the Warsaw nature Dzika Ochota .

He writes for the magazines Lampa , Bluszcz , Nowe Książki , Rzeczpospolita and Tygodnik Powszechny .

He lives in Warsaw.


  • Pirate Stepowy , 2012
  • Dwanaście srok za ogon , 2016

Awards and nominations

Web links