Stanisław Zięba (politician, 1947)

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Stanisław Zięba (born August 20, 1947 in Borówna ) is a Polish politician of the Civic Platform , trade unionist, opposition activist in the times of the People's Republic of Poland , councilor of the city of Krakow , founder and chairman of the Solidarni-Solidarnym Foundation and co-founder of the Center for Catholic Culture - Mistrzejowice .


After finishing school, Stanisław Zięba began his working life in 1964 as a fitter in Krakowskie Przedsiębiorstwo Robót Inżynieryjnych ( Cracow engineering works ). In 1965 he became an employee of the Zakład Transportu Kolejowego Huty im. Lenina ( railway company at the Lenin ironworks ) and worked as a shunter, locksmith and warehouse clerk. Since 1980 he has been a member of the NSZZ Solidarność and co-founder of Solidarność in Zakład Transportu Kolejowego Huty im. Lenina . During martial law , which existed from 1981 to 1983 , he was a member of the strike committee at ZTK and organized sporting events for children and young people. On August 25, 1988, Zięba organized the strike in the Lenin Ironworks as a sign of solidarity with workers from the “Victoria” coal mines in Wałbrzych and because of the international human rights conference that took place in Mistrzejowice. In March 1989 he was a member of the Presidium of the First Public Regional Solidarity Committee “Małopolska”. In May 1988 Zięba, along with Jurczak, Piekarz and Lupa, was authorized by Lech Wałęsa to restore the structures of solidarity.

As President of the Board of Directors of the Solidarni Solidarnym Foundation, Zięba helped the families of the dead activists who had fought for Poland's independence during the times of the People's Republic of Poland, and organized various charity events (e.g. balls, concerts). He is also the initiator of the Bogdan Włosik Memorial Run, which took place for the first time in 1995.

Political offices

Stanisław Zięba ran three times for the Sejm, but did not get a seat. He has been a member of the Kraków City Council since June 1, 1994, first as a member of the Solidarność electoral campaign , then for the Law and Justice party and for the Citizens' Platform .



  • Adam Gliksman: Solidarność Małopolska. Calendar 1980-2005. Pasaż, Kraków 2005, ISBN 83-921980-0-X .
  • Adam Gliksman: Leksykon Ludzi Małopolskiej "Solidarności", t. I. Ekodruk, Kraków 2012, ISBN 978-83-919655-8-0 .

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Laureaci Medalu Św. Brata Alberta w 2002 r. , accessed June 28, 2015 (Polish).
  2. MP z 2012 r. No. 0, poz. 774 , accessed June 28, 2015 (Polish).