Ward doctor

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A ward doctor is a registered medical doctor , said in a hospital taking care of the patient on a ward incumbent. Usually it is an assistant doctor , occasionally also a specialist who has completed specialist training. Sometimes several doctors are responsible for the care of a ward. Occasionally, a ward doctor takes care of several wards in a specialist department. The ward doctor carries out the patient admission from a medical point of view, determines the medication during the inpatient stay, arranges, among other things, blood withdrawals for laboratory diagnostics and apparatus diagnostics , and plans treatments. He works closely with the nursing staff at the ward, with whom he communicates, among other things via the patient file. He conducts rounds to assess the progress and inform his patients . The direct supervision is exercised by a senior physician , with whom the ward physician usually discusses all patients on a daily basis, for example as part of a joint round or curve round. When the patient is discharged, the ward doctor writes the doctor's letter to the doctor responsible for further treatment, usually the family doctor .