Statue menhir of Lichessol

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Statue menhir of Lichessol

The statue menhir of Lichessol is a statue menhir in Saint-Agrève in the Ardèche department in France . According to Bertrand le Tourneau , it could be a menhir representing a god of fertility.

In the 1960s, several prehistorians were interested in the object, the original location of which is unknown. The approximately 1.3 m high and 0.40 m wide sculpture was discovered in the southeast corner of an old farmhouse and built into the facade of the old school. Jean Combier assumes that the stone came from close by. The prehistorian Paul Bellin (1931–1987), author of an article on "la pseudo statue-menhir de Lichessol près de Saint-Agrève" ( The pseudo statue menhir of Lichessol near St. Agrève ), considers the representation neither archaic nor naive art and expresses that the sculpture, which only shows a face, is not a statue menhir.

The figure was broken in 1989 by a truck crash. The machined part was taken to the town hall of Saint-Agrève while the rest of the block remained in the wall.

The menhir has been the only one in the department to be classified as a monument historique since 1961 .

See also


  • Jürgen E. Walkowitz: The megalithic syndrome. European cult sites of the Stone Age (= contributions to the prehistory and early history of Central Europe. Vol. 36). Beier & Beran, Langenweißbach 2003, ISBN 3-930036-70-3 .

Web links

Commons : Statue-menhir de Lichessol  - Collection of images, videos and audio files

Coordinates: 45 ° 0 '36.8 "  N , 4 ° 23' 16.9"  E