Steatogenys elegans

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Steatogenys elegans
Hypopomidae Steatogenys elgans.jpg

Steatogenys elegans

Cohort : Otomorpha
Sub-cohort : Ostariophysi
Order : New World Knifefish (Gymnotiformes)
Family : Small knife fish (Hypopomidae)
Genre : Steatogenys
Type : Steatogenys elegans
Scientific name
Steatogenys elegans
( Steindachner , 1880)

Steatogenys elegans is a freshwater fish from the order of the New World knife fish (Gymnotiformes). It occurs in northern South America in the lower Amazon , the northern tributaries of the central Amazon and the rivers of the three Guayanas .


Steatogenys elegans have an elongated, laterally strongly flattened body that ends in a long, whip-like tail. A caudal fin is missing, as are the dorsal fin and pelvic fins. The fish are 20 to 30 cm long. The mouth is toothless. The long anal fin , which extends almost the entire length of the body, is the main driving organ of the fish. It enables them to swim both forwards and backwards through undulating movements and is supported by 160 to 176 fin rays. When swimming backwards, the highly flexible tail serves as a tactile organ. This will also find gaps and holes in which the fish can hide. The pectoral fins are supported by a hard fin ray and 13 to 14 soft rays. The anus is far in front, on the underside of the head. The anal fin is light-colored with dark spots, the pectoral fins spotted black. The top and sides of the head are dark.


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