Stefan Mladenow

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Stefan Mladenow, before 1945

Stefan Stojanow Mladenow , Bulgarian Стефан Младенов , (born December 15, 1880 in Vidin , † May 1, 1963 in Sofia ) was a Bulgarian philologist .


Mladanow studied Slavic Studies in Sofia and worked as a professor at the University of Sofia from 1921 . In his scientific work he dealt with the historical grammar and history of the Bulgarian language . He also dealt with dialectology and historically comparative linguistics.

He was awarded the Dimitrov Prize.

Works (selection)

  • Old Germanic elements in the Slavic languages , 1909
  • History of the Bulgarian language , Berlin 1929
  • Etymological and Orthographic Dictionary of the Bulgarian Literary Language , 1941
  • Istorija na bălgarskija ezik , Sofia 1979
