Stefano Giordano

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Stefano Giordano (active in Messina in the mid-16th century ) was an Italian mannerist painter in Sicily .


Giordano was a student and collaborator of Polidoro da Caravaggio , who came to Messina shortly after 1530.

Even if he worked with Polidoro on various occasions and completed some of his works, his independent works did not come close to the quality of his master, who was influenced by Raphael , since he often exaggerated his own Mannerist style, his coloring was based on the dull colors of the Ferrari School of Painting and the Figures took their expressiveness through a stereotypical mannerist composition scheme. His main work is a large-format triptych with a Last Supper and saints.

Most of his works were destroyed by the great Messina earthquake in 1908 .

Works (selection)

  • Chiesa di Santa Maria Incoronata (Camaro Superiore): panel “The Journey of the Apostle James” (attributed to)
  • Chiesa Madre ( Forza d'Agrò ): panel painting “Maeiä Annunciation” (1530) (attribution)
  • Co-Cattedrale di San Giovanni ( Valletta , Malta ): crucifix (completed by Giordano)
  • Chiesa di Sant Andrea Avellino (Messina): Madonna del Refugio with Saint Barbara ”
  • Museo Regionale di Messina : panel “Adoration of the Shepherds” (1536) together with Polidoro da Caravaggio (formerly in the Chiesa Santa Maria dell'Altobasso of Messina)
  • Museo Regionale di Messina: Triptych "Last Supper with Saints Cosmas and Damian " e Damiano (formerly in the Chiesa San Gregorio in Messina)


Web links

Commons : Stefano Giordano  - collection of images, videos and audio files