Enrico Mauceri

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Enrico Mauceri (born on 15. August 1869 in Syracuse , died on 28. June 1966 in Bologna ) was an italian ischer art historian .


Enrico Mauceri studied law at the University of Palermo , but also listened to the classical archaeologist Antonino Salinas out of interest . In 1893 he completed his law degree and worked as a lawyer for two years. From 1896 he worked at the Archaeological Museum in Syracuse under the direction of Paolo Orsi . Here he devoted himself entirely to the art history of Syracuse. In 1897 he went to Rome to deepen his knowledge with Adolfo Venturi . He was Ispettore at the Galleria Nazionale d'Arte Antica di Palazzo Corsini and stayed there until the end of 1899. In 1900 he moved to the National Archaeological Museum of Palermo under the direction of Antonino Salinas, in 1902 he became deputy director of the museum. In 1903 he returned to the museum in Syracuse under Paolo Orsi as a curator, where he developed plans for an art gallery in the Palazzo Bellomo , which were not realized until 1948. In 1915 he moved to Messina , where he rebuilt the National Museum as soprintendente after the earthquake in Messina in 1908 and headed it until 1929 after the reorganization of the soprintendenze by the fascist education minister Giovanni Gentile in 1923, through which the office in Messina was abolished. In 1929 he became director of the Pinacoteca Nazionale di Bologna . In 1936 he went to Modena .

He also writes biographical articles for the General Lexicon of Fine Artists from Antiquity to the Present .

Mauceri and the Annunciation by Antonello da Messina

Antonello da Messina: Annunciation

During his time in Syracuse, Mauceri played a major role in the restoration and preservation of the painting The Annunciation by the painter Antonello da Messina , which was in a desolate state in the Church of the Annunciation of Palazzolo Acreide . His own analysis was initially based on the documentation of the Palermitan librarian Gioacchino Di Marzo (1839-1916) and the Messinese archaeologist Gaetano La Corte Cailler (1874-1933). Mauceri recognized the art-historical importance of the picture as early as 1897, and in 1904 he noticed a rapid deterioration in the state of preservation. In 1914, the restorer Luigi Cavenaghi (1844–1918) was commissioned to stop further deterioration. The painting was previously brought from the rigid blackboard to canvas by the brothers Giuseppe and Francesco Annoni, employees of Cavenaghis. The painting has been in the collection of the Museo Regionale di Palazzo Bellomo in Messina since 1940.

Publications (selection)

  • Siracusa nel secolo XV. Tipografia del Tamburo, Syracuse 1896, OCLC 457472614 .
  • Guida archeologica ed artistica di Siracusa. Con un saggio di bibliografia storica . S. Santoro Gubernale, Syracuse 1897, OCLC 908530774 .
  • Taormina (=  Collezione di monografie illustrate, Series 1a, Italia artistica . No. 28 ). Istituto italiano d'arti grafiche, Bergamo 1907, OCLC 755249372 .
  • Siracusa e la Valle dell'Anapo . Istituto Italiano d'Arti Grafiche, Bergamo 1909 ( archive.org ).
  • Ancient Syracuse (=  L'Italia Monumentale ). E. Bonomi, Milan 1914 ( archive.org ).
  • La Regia Pinacoteca di Bologna - The K. Pinacoteca of Bologna (=  Itinerari dei musei e monumenti d'Italia . No. 2 ). Libreria dello Stato, Rome 1933, OCLC 72618672 (Italian, German).


  • Bibliografia di Enrico Mauceri . Cooperativa tipografica azzogiudi, Bologna 1950, OCLC 56485908 .
  • Giuseppe Cipolla: Lettere inedite di Enrico Mauceri ad Adolfo Venturi e Corrado Ricci. In: Annali di critica d'arte. 4, 2008, pp. 251-307.
  • Simonetta La Barbera Bellia (ed.): Enrico Mauceri (1869–1966). Storico dell'arte tra connoisseurship e conservazione. Atti del Convegno Internazionale di Studi (Palermo 27-29 September 2007) . Flaccovio Editore, Palermo 2009, ISBN 978-88-7804-466-1 .

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Giuseppe Cipolla: Enrico Mauceri e la scoperta dell'Annunciazione di Antonello da Messina a Palazzolo Acreide. In: Simonetta La Barbera Bellia (ed.): Enrico Mauceri (1869–1966). Storico dell'arte tra connoisseurship e conservazione. Atti del Convegno Internazionale di Studi (Palermo 27-29 September 2007). Flaccovio Editore, Palermo 2009, ISBN 978-88-7804-466-1 , pp. 297-305.
    Quando Enrico Mauceri recuperò and Antonello. In: La Repubblica. February 6, 2010, accessed February 10, 2019 . Siracusa: "L'Annunciazione" di Antonello da Messina. Siracusa Turismo, accessed February 11, 2019 .
  2. Enrico Mauceri e il ritrovamento dell'Annunciazione di Antonello da Messina. lola.it, accessed on February 11, 2019 .
  3. ^ Salvatore Maiorca: Siracusa. L'Annunciazione di Antonello va di nuovo in trasferta . In: Libertà . November 24, 2018 ( libertasicilia.it ).