Stefano Golinelli

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Stefano Golinelli

Stefano Golinelli (born October 26, 1818 in Bologna , † July 3, 1891 ibid) was an Italian composer and pianist .


Born the fifth child of a family of doctors and lawyers, Golinelli received private piano lessons and then attended the Liceo Musicale in Bologna, where he was a student of Benedetto Donelli from 1827 to 1833. In 1839 Golinelli studied composition in Milan with Nicola Vaccai . From 1840 to 1871 Golinelli taught piano at the Liceo .

His career as a concert pianist began in Germany in 1838, and then internationally with the help of Ferdinand Hiller .

Golinelli was buried on the Cimitero Monumentale della Certosa di Bologna ; he was one of four musicians, together with Rossini , Padre Martini and Stanislao Mattei , to whom a bust in the Pantheon Hall of the Certosa was dedicated.


  • Gianni Ciabattini: Per una riscoperta di Stefano Golinelli (1818-1891) . In: Nuova rivista musicale italiana: bimestrale di cultura e informazione, A. 14, n.1 . 1980, p. 52-72 .
  • Raoul Meloncelli:  GOLINELLI, Stefano. In: Mario Caravale (ed.): Dizionario Biografico degli Italiani (DBI). Volume 57:  Giulini – Gonzaga. Istituto della Enciclopedia Italiana, Rome 2001.

Web links

Commons : Stefano Golinelli  - Collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. F. Hiller praised him in the Paris Revue et Gazette Musicale as the "best pianist of his time". (Diz. Encicl. Univ. Della musica e dei musicisti)
  2. Omaggio a Stefano Golinelli