Stanislao Mattei

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Stanislao Mattei

Padre Stanislao Mattei (born February 10, 1750 in Bologna ; † May 17, 1825 there ) was an Italian composer, music theorist and music teacher of the 18th century.


Stanislao Mattei entered the Order of the Minorites in 1765 and became a student of Giovanni Battista Martini . In 1776 he officially succeeded him as Kapellmeister at the Basilica of San Petronio . In 1799 he became a member of the Accademia Filarmonica , whose Principe he was in 1803, 1806 and 1818. He was a teacher at the Liceo Musicale di Bologna (today Conservatorio Giovanni Battista Martini ), where Donizetti and Rossini were his students. In 1816 he bequeathed his entire library to the Liceo Musicale. In 1824 Mattei was accepted as a member of the Académie des beaux-arts, at the Institut royal de France.


Mattei composed numerous masses and an extensive work of church music (more than 300 works), as well as cantatas, oratorios and passion music, partly based on libretti by Pietro Metastasio , as well as secular arias. His 27 mostly one-movement opera symphonies were written between 1786 and 1804. Mattei's work remains largely unpublished and unexplored.

As a music theorist he wrote the text “ Pratica d'accompagnamento sopra bassi numerati, e contrapunti a più voci sulla scala ascendente e discendente maggiore e minore, con diverse fughe a 4 ea 8 ” from 1788 and a second edition by Schott, Mainz 1826.

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