Karagündüz stele

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Stele of Karagündüz (Urartu)

The Karagündüz stele (Charakonis, Харагонис) is a stele from the Urartu Empire .


The stele was found near the east bank of the Erçek Gölü salt lake in the province of Van at an altitude of 1,890 meters and is now in the Van Museum . A copy can be found in the Georgian National Museum . The stele dates from the reign of Menua and Išpuini . The lower part of the stele is missing, the upper part of the stele is still 1.90 m high and 70 cm wide and labeled on both sides. Numerous equal-armed crosses that have destroyed parts of the inscription are carved on the front.

The inscription in Urartian cuneiform tells of the victory of the god Ḫaldi over the city of Mešta and the land of Paršua . The kings had gone out with over 6,000 horsemen, 106 chariots and 22,000 foot soldiers. In addition to the city of Mešta, they conquered the cities of Qua, Šaritu and Nigibi.

Since the Erçek Gölü is near a pass to Choy in Iran, M. Salvini wants to use the stele as proof that the mentioned city of Mešta is identical to Hasanlu on Lake Urmia .


author Abbreviation number
Lehmann-Haupt 1928–1935 CICh 15th
king HchI 7th
Melikišvili UKN 24
Arjutjan KUKN 35
Salvini 2008 - A 3-9


  • Miroslav Salvini: The influence of the Urartu Empire on the political conditions on the Iranian plateau. In: Ricardo Eichmann , Hermann Parzinger (Hrsg.): Migration und Kulturtransfer. The change of Near Eastern and Central Asian cultures in the upheaval from the 2nd to the 1st millennium BC. Files of the international colloquium, Berlin, November 23-26, 1999 (= colloquia on prehistory and early history. 6). Habelt, Bonn 2001, ISBN 3-7749-3068-6 , pp. 343-356.
  • Miroj Salvini: La stele di Karagündüz. In: Paolo Emilio Pecorella, Mirjo Salvini: Tra lo Zagros a l'Urmia. Ricerche storiche ed archeologiche nell'Azerbaidjan iraniano (= Incunabula Graeca. ISSN  0073-5752 ). Edizioni dell'Ateneo, Rome 1984, pp. 57-62.
  • Robert H. Dyson, Jr: Hasanlu and early Iran. In: Archeology. Vol. 13, No. 2, 1960, ISSN  0003-8113 , pp. 118-129, JSTOR 41666821 .

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Miroj Salvini, Corpus dei Testi Urartei. Rome 2008, A3-9
  2. Miroslav Salvini: The Influence of the Urartu Empire on the Political Conditions on the Iranian Plateau . In: Ricardo Eichmann, Hermann Parzinger (Hrsg.): Migration und Kulturtransfer. Bonn 2001, p. 349.