Stephan Glatzel

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Stephan Glatzel (born December 14, 1966 in Überlingen ) is a German agricultural scientist, geoecologist and landscape ecologist. He is a university professor for geoecology at the University of Vienna .

Glatzel completed his habilitation in geography at the University of Göttingen in 2004. From 2006 to 2014 he was professor for landscape ecology and site studies at the University of Rostock .

He deals with gas flows between the ecosystem and the atmosphere. The spectrum of his work ranges from analysis to modeling, ecological assessment and interpretation to the regionalization of material balances . Stephan Glatzel's research focuses on the carbon and nitrogen balance of moors, forests and agro-ecosystems as well as soil geography.

Publications (selection)

  • Jordan, A., Jurasinski, G., Glatzel, S. (2009) Small scale spatial heterogeneity of soil respiration in an old growth temperated deciduous forest. Biogeosciences Discuss . 6: 9977-10005
  • Hoffmann, T., Glatzel, S., Dikau, R. (2009) A carbon storage perspective on alluvial sediment storage in the Rhine catchment. Geomorphology 108: 127-137.
  • Gleixner, G., Tefs, C., Jordan, A., Hammer, M., Wirth, C., Nueske, A., Telz, A., Schmidt, UE, Glatzel, S. (2009) Soil Carbon Accumulation in Old-Growth ForestsIn: Wirth et al. (Eds): Old Growth Forests, Ecological Studies 207, Springer Verlag Berlin Heidelberg: 231-261
  • Baum, C., Fienemann, M., Glatzel, S., Gleixner, G. (2009) Overstory-specific effects of litter fall on the microbial carbon turnover in a mature deciduous forest. Forest Ecology and Management 258: 109-114
  • Jordan, A., Glatzel, S. (2008) Gis based regionalization of soil respiration based on regression kriging GIS Science 4: 4-11.

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