Stephen Gilman

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Stephen Gilman (born 1917 in Chicago ; † November 23, 1986 ) was an American Romance scholar and Hispanist .

life and work

Gilman studied at Princeton University under Américo Castro and received his doctorate in 1943 with the thesis A critical analysis of the "Quijote apocrifo" by Alonso Fernández de Avellaneda (published in Spanish: Cervantes y Avellaneda. Estudio de una imitación , Mexico City 1951, Ann Arbor 1987). After military service, he was from 1946 to 1948 at Princeton Assistant Professor. He went to Ohio State University in Columbus (Ohio) and was there first associate professor, then from 1950 to 1956 full professor. From 1957 until his retirement in 1985 he taught at Harvard University . In 1961 he was elected to the American Academy of Arts and Sciences .

Gilman was the son-in-law of Jorge Guillén and the brother-in-law of Claudio Guillén .

Other works

  • The Art of “La Celestina” , Madison 1956, Westport 1976 (Spanish: La Celestina. Arte y estructura , Madrid 1974, 1992)
  • Tiempos y formas temporales en el "Poema del Cid" , Madrid 1961, 1969, Ann Arbor 1971, 1982
  • The tower as emblem. Chapter VIII, IX, XIX and XX of the “Chartreuse de Parme” , Frankfurt am Main 1967
  • The Spain of Fernando de Rojas. The intellectual and social landscape of “La Celestina” , Princeton 1972, 1976 (Spanish: La España de Fernando de Rojas. Panorama intelectual y social de “La Celestina” , Madrid 1978)
  • Galdós and the art of the European novel 1867-1887 , Princeton 1981, 2014
  • The novel according to Cervantes , Berkeley 1989


  • Creation and re-creation. Experiments in literary form in early modern Spain. Studies in honor of Stephen Gilman , ed. by Ronald E. Surtz and Nora Weinerth, Newark, Del. 1983
  • Francisco Márquez Villanueva, "Stephen Gilman", in: Nueva Revista de Filología Hispánica 35, 1987, pp. 1-4
  • Constance H. Rose, "In memoriam Stephen Gilman (1917-1986)", in: Cervantes. Bulletin of the Cervantes Society of America 8, 1988, pp. 251-253 ( )