Stephen Weinstein

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Stephen Weinstein (* 1893 ; † 1991 ) was an English writer. His name was originally Samuel Weinstein; after his marriage to Clare Birnberg , the couple took the surname Winsten and became Quakers .

During World War I , Weinstein conscientiously refused to do military service and was imprisoned in Bedford Prison and Reading Prison for this.

As a writer, he is best known for his work on Henry Salt as well as his work on George Bernhard Shaw , who was his neighbor in Ayot St Lawrence in Hertfordshire .


  • GBS 90: Aspects of Bernard Shaw's Life and Work (1946) editor Stephen Winsten
  • Days with Bernard Shaw (1948)
  • Salt and His Circle (1951) Foreword by GB Shaw
  • Shaw's Corner (1952)
  • Jesting Apostle: The Private Life of Bernard Shaw (1956)