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Type: SAR satellite
Country: RussiaRussia Russia
COSPAR-ID : 2009-049B
Mission dates
Dimensions: 171 kg
Size: 0.75 × 1.35 × 2.00 (at takeoff)
0.97 × 2.96 × 10.39 (unfolded in space)
Starting place: Baikonur 31/6
Launcher: Soyuz-2-1b Fregat
Status: inactive
Orbit data
Rotation time : 101.2 min
Orbit inclination : 98.6 °
Apogee height 826.1 km
Perigee height 821.7 km

Sterch-2 ( Russian Стерх for barn crane ) a satellite of the new Russian satellite-based search and rescue system Sterch , which is to replace the previous Nadezhda system. He was on 17 September 2009 by Baikonur from a Soyuz-2-1b - Fregat started.

It is part of the international satellite-based search and rescue system COSPAS-SARSAT . In contrast to Nadeshda, Sterch does not contain a system for satellite navigation as this is taken over by the GLONASS satellite and only a single SAR transponder. The cuboid satellites are therefore much smaller and lighter than their predecessors and can be launched as a secondary payload with other satellites.

Sterch weighs around 170 kg and is supplied with energy by solar cell booms with around three meters and 110 watts of power. The planned lifespan is five years.

The predecessor Sterch-1 was launched on July 21, 2009 on board a Kosmos-3M launcher together with a Parus communication satellite.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. N2YO
  2. (link not available)
  3. Sterch at (Russian)
  4. Parus and Sterch start with Kosmos 3M on Der Orion