Star of negroes

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Der Stern der Neger was a German-language Catholic mission magazine of the Congregation of Missionaries Sons of the Sacred Heart of Jesus (abbreviation MFSC , Latin Congregatio Missionariorum Filiorum Sanctissimi Cordis Jesu ), which was dedicated to the mission of sub-Saharan Africa ; one focus of her work was in Sudan . It used to be the German section of the current Comboni Missionaries ( MCCJ ).

Mission bishop Franz Xaver Geyer was the editor of this magazine he founded. It appeared from 1898 in the mission house in Milland near Brixen in Tyrol , where Geyer was rector from 1896 to 1903, then in the Josefstal house near Ellwangen with changing subtitles. It later appeared as a supplement to Continents under the title Congregatio Missionariorum Filiorum Sanctissimi Cordis Jesu: Information from the Missionaries Sons of the Sacred Heart of Jesus. The magazine had its heyday before the First World War .

Under the title Koko und Poko , Father Adalbert Mohn wrote poems in the style of Wilhelm Busch in the Stern der Neger . Brother Johann Oberstaller drew the caricatures for this.

“In the big black kraal
there are boys without a number;
and at night, when everyone is asleep,
everyone is good.
But during the day, when everyone is awake,
some accomplish - ah!
often the strangest things,
and then there is nothing to laugh about. "

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Bruno Haspinger: Artist and Original. A picture of the life of Brother Johann Oberstaller

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