Rheingau plateau

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Rheingau Platt is the popular name for the dialect spoken in the Rheingau . There are two main dialects. It dominates the language near the Rhine lying places Walluf , Eltville , Lauterbach (Rheingau) , Hattenheim , Oestrich-angle , Johannisberg , Geisenheim , Eibingen , Rudesheim , Assmannshausen , Aulhausen , Lorch and Lorchhausen . There is also the special form of the dialect in the high altitude communities of Martinsthal , Rauenthal , Kiedrich , Hallgarten , Stephanshausen and Presberg , as well as in Ransel , Wollmphia and Espenschied .

The dialect, like the Rheinhessisch spoken on the other side of the Rhine , belongs to the West Central German language and is assigned to Rheinfränkischen within this . A South Hessian tone coloring is possible.

Well-known interpreters of the Rheingau plateau include: Hedwig Witte (1906–1991) and Ulrike Neradt . The Rheingau Dialect Association has dedicated itself to the special care of dialect .

Individual evidence

  1. Personalities in wine history: Hedwig Witte
  2. Rheingau Dialect Association on the Internet