Star graph

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The star graphs , , and

A star graph , or star for short , is a class of graphs with a simple structure in graph theory . In a star graph, a central node is connected to all other nodes by edges , while the other nodes apart from this central node have no further neighbors . Star graphs with edges are denoted by or . A network topology in the form of a star graph is called a star topology .


A star graph , also called a star, is an undirected graph consisting of the nodes

and the edges


whereby it is mostly assumed. The knot is called the center of the star, central knot, or star knot. Sometimes a star graph with nodes is also referred to as.


In the following, only star graphs consisting of at least three nodes are considered.

  • A star graph is a tree , i.e. a connected acyclic undirected graph without multiple edges . Usually the central node is chosen as the root of the tree; the tree then has a height of one.
  • A star graph is a completely bipartite graph in which one partition class consists of the central node and the other partition class consists of the remaining nodes.
  • The diameter is two and the mean distance between two nodes is slightly less than two.
  • The edge graph of the star graph is the complete graph . Conversely, there is no graph whose edge graph is a star graph with more than three nodes.
  • The chromatic number of a star graph is two. A permissible coloring is obtained by coloring the central node in one color and the other nodes in the other color. The chromatic polynomial of the star graph is .
  • Each star graph has two graceful labels : on one the central node is labeled with , on the other with ; the remaining nodes each receive the remaining numbers between and .
  • The peripheral nodes of a star graph form a maximally stable set of the graph. The stability number of the star graph is therefore .

See also


  • Peter Tittmann: Graph Theory: An Application-Oriented Introduction . Hanser Verlag, 2003, ISBN 3-446-22343-6 .
  • Walter D. Wallis: A Beginner's Guide to Graph Theory . 2nd Edition. Springer, 2007, ISBN 0-8176-4484-9 .

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Eric W. Weisstein: CRC Concise Encyclopedia of Mathematics . 2nd Edition. CRC Press, 2010, pp. 2838 .
  2. ^ Wallis: A Beginner's Guide to Graph Theory . 2007, p. 53 .
  3. Tittmann: Graph Theory: An Application-Oriented Introduction . 2003, p. 23 .
  4. Robert Sedgewick, Kevin Wayne, Kevin Wayne: Introduction to Programming with Java . Pearson, 2011, pp. 693-694 .
  5. Tittmann: Graph Theory: An Application-Oriented Introduction . 2003, p. 69 .
  6. ^ Wallis: A Beginner's Guide to Graph Theory . 2007, p. 94 .
  7. ^ Wallis: A Beginner's Guide to Graph Theory . 2007, p. 126 .
  8. Tittmann: Graph Theory: An Application-Oriented Introduction . 2003, p. 61 .

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